number sixteen

check out amy’s playlist here.
all articles online here and more coming everyday on page two.
page three coming soon. it’s gonna blow you away.
any ideas for what to do next?
leave some feedback.
thank you.

6 Responses to “number sixteen”

  1. Janet Says:

    oh goodness… error in my article… my bad. your = you’re

  2. Jason Says:

    The same was in last week’s playlist. Need an official proofreader?

  3. ~greg Says:

    seeing Dwight “warms the cockles of my heart.” I don’t even know what that means…The Office is TV the way it’s suppose to be…I’m pretty sure God said something like “and it was good” after seeing an episode:-)

  4. chris Says:

    sorry guys about not proofing well. we have one proofreader, but one person can only catch so many mistakes.

  5. Jason Says:

    I know someone that will help, Chris. You often buy root beer from him.

  6. Big Al Says:

    amen to Damien Jurado.

    Anyone wanna buy me a root beer (they are excellent with a shot of espresso, just so you know)

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